Recent Cases

Recent Cases for Jacobson & Jacobson

Your local Boise and Nampa ID attorney is here for you when you need us. Here are some recent cases.

Contact us today if you’d like to discuss your case.

Personal Injury Attorneys connect clients with the Idaho Crime Victim Compensation Program

Jacobson & Jacobson, personal injury attorneys, completed a personal injury matter in which our client’s vehicle was hit head-on by a drunk driver. We represented all three victims in the car, one of which was a minor. Our clients received relatively minor injuries but still required emergency transport in an ambulance, chiropractic care, and physical therapy.

Because our clients were victims of a drunk driving crime, we helped them connect with the Idaho Crime Victim Compensation Program, who helped pay for parts of their medical treatment and even a portion of their attorney’s fees. We were able to secure enough funds for our clients to pay for all of their medical bills and an additional amount to compensate them for the emotional toll of the accident and insurance claim process (general damages or “pain and suffering”).

Elderly client passenger in an auto accident with expensive medical bills

We concluded a personal injury matter where our elderly client was the passenger of a vehicle in which the driver had a heart attack while driving on the freeway and caused the vehicle to crash and rollover several times. The accident necessitated a lengthy hospital stay, including in the ICU, where our client had accumulated more than a quarter of a million dollars in medical bills.

At the culmination of the case, we were able to negotiate their medical bills down by 75% and also secure them a $300,000 recovery from the driver’s insurance company.

Car accident and help with underinsured motorist’s claim

We recently completed a personal injury matter in which a client was rear-ended at a complete stop by another car going highway speeds. Their injuries warranted chiropractic care, physical therapy, and eventually hip and back surgery. We settled with the responsible insurance company, but their policy only had a limit of $25,000, and the client’s perspective medical bills exceeded that amount.

To help our client, get the recovery they needed, we successfully filed an underinsured motorists (UIM) claim with their insurance. Within 60 days, our client was offered an additional settlement amount that was almost double their original recovery to help ease the cost of her future medical treatments and general damages.

Family lawyer for your parental rights

Angela Sasser recently concluded an appeal in a family law matter on a case of termination of parental rights. She was successful initially at the trial court level and then successfully defended the trial court’s decision to terminate parental rights on appeal. We are very proud of our successful record on appeal, where we have prevailed nearly ten times on appeal and have only had one adverse decision on appeal.

Business attorney helps local small business owner with business sale to national company

We recently concluded a successful arbitration of business litigation that resolved problems related to the purchase and sale of a business. Our client was a local business owner who sold his business to a national company, which national company failed to keep its promises to our client. We were able to hold that company accountable for keeping its promises and fulfilling its obligations under the contract which resulted in a very favorable award to our client.

Jacobson & Jacobson are here for you. Our practice areas include Business Law, Litigation, Family Law, Estate Planning, and Criminal Defense. We have been in the local Boise and Nampa ID communities since 1982.

Contact us today to get started. For a free 30-minute consultation, book here: